Weight Loss Plans

Nutrition made simple, for your goals, your body and your lifestyle.

I create custom nutrition and macro plans made for your body that will help you lose weight, increase energy and feel better.

I’ll help you take the frustration and guess work out of what you should be eating to look and feel great.

Looking for help?

Do you...

Custom Weight Loss Plans

Need help losing weight?

Now is the time to improve your health and boost your self confidence.

Lose weight and enjoy food

Feel confused by fad diets and ambiguous dietary guidelines?

Does the world of fad diets and influencers confuse you about what you should be eating?

Improve energy levels with food

Not feel your best?

Are you struggling with digestive issues or low energy and need help managing it.

Balanced diet meal plans

Need to eat a balanced diet?

Lifestyle changes such as being a vegan/ vegetarian or having a busy schedule can make it hard to eat a balanced diet.

Break free from yo-yo dieting and take control of your nutrition.

It's time to get a sustainable and balanced approach to weight loss. Get the results you want without giving up the things you love.

Custom nutrition and weight loss plans

6 Week Lifestyle Package

kick start your journey to achieve your goals through my

6 week program. Including:

  • Custom plans with macro targets

  • Weekly check-ins

  • Mindset and movement tips


How it works

What to Expect

Step One:

Free consulation to understand your goals

Step Two:

Develop customised meal plan and movement tips

Step Three:

Weekly check ins to review progress and mindset

Client Testimonial

“I was in a bad way my nails were breaking, my skin was dry, I had bodily pain, inflammation, constipation, and headaches. Sarah helped me to look at the bigger picture and helped me find healthier food options. She found solutions to my problems, and I feel more balance. Sarah is very understanding, helpful, insightful and her tenacity really paid off. I found her advice easy to understand and follow.”


Sarah weight loss coach

why work with me?

Who is Sarah?

"I believe to my core that you can look and feel the way you want while eating foods you love."
I am passionate about helping women end the war with food and their bodies, In my younger years I too found it hard to find a balance with food and feel good about myself.
One size does not fit all. So I work with you to customise an individual plan that is unique to your goals and is sustainable for your lifestyle.



Client Testimonial

“I just wanted to say that I can't thank you enough Sarah I never thought it was possible for me to feel as amazing as I have in this journey which has only taken six weeks. I look forward to working with you again soon!”


Other Packages


Meal Plans

Get custom meal plans and marco targets that help you reach your goals.

One to One Coaching

Helping you to stay on track, make adjustments as needed and improve your relationship with food.

Client Testimonial

“Thank you for your program and help because this is the first time in 2 years I’m starting to feel good about myself inside and out. I know the work isn’t over but it’s refreshing to know things are finally working .”


Frequently asked questions


  • All meal plans are customised to your specific needs, and are balanced to make sure you are getting the right nutrients for your body.

  • Depending on your goals and how you would like to manage the process. I develop custom meal plans so you don't have to count calories but I can also provide macro targets if you are comfortable counting calories.

  • No, you will still get to enjoy your favourite foods, you will learn how to better moderate and control your eating habits.

  • Depending on your goal, we will develop a plan that helps you get there but also gives you flexibility.

  • all meal plans are customised to your lifestyle and each week we can make adjustments to better suit your needs

  • Yes! the meals are delicious and suitable for all the family, if there is anything they cannot eat , we can talk about substitutes.

  • Coaching helps you to stay on track and make the needed adjustments to your meal plan based on the results you achieve.

  • It will depend on your goals and the approach you take. In general, when clients stick to their program and meet with me for weekly coaching sessions, they will see measurable and sustained results.

Client Testimonial

“I found myself smashing my macros goals everyday quite comfortably with foods I loved and enjoyed eating! Motivation levels were at an all-time high when I had mates and colleagues say they were noticing a difference in body shape! I am lifting heavier at gym with energy levels up even late in the evening! I now have a platform to build myself after the 6 weeks to keep going!”


Get the results you want
without giving up the
things you love.

Weight Loss Plans

Get in Touch.

Lets chat and discuss your needs.